Our offer
Thanks to the strict hygiene manufacturing regime and constant quality control, margarines with the Bielmar logo have a long shelf life. The technological process we have developed makes it possible to offer products without preservatives.
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About us
Zakłady Tłuszczowe “Bielmar” Sp. z o.o. is a Polish company owned by its current and former employees, rapeseed suppliers and its product distributors. The company has existed since 1994, while the plant began its operations in 1945. The headquarters of the company are located inBielsko-Biała, together with our rapeseed warehouses, a modern oil production plant, a refinery, a margarine production plant and a logistics base. In Baborowo, Opolskie Voivodeship, the company has an additional silo base for storing rapeseed. During the partitions, the Bizner’s Oil Mill was established in Kamienica. The plant burnt down in 1917. Rebuilt over late 1920 and early 1921, it was leased by Paweł Hoffman and the Stern brothers.
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Good fats
Omega-3 fatty acids are compounds with a range of properties beneficial for health. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, heart and eyesight. Natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fatty fish, vegetable oils and animal fats.